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印刷ページの表示 ページ番号:0002243177 更新日:2023年11月20日更新

おおいたASEANインスタグラムフォトコンテスト    OITA-ASEAN Instagram Photo Contest


Have an interest in ASEAN?
We want your photos of Oita Prefecture!
We’re looking for any charming photos of Oita that you would like to show off to the people of ASEAN!
If you’ve got a picture that will make people go, “Wow, I want to go to Oita!” please share it on Instagram!
Food, landscapes, events, almost anything goes! (Including past photos!)
We’re looking forward to your entries.

応募期間  Entry period

Monday, November 20, 2023 to Sunday, January 21, 2024

応募テーマ Theme

Photos that make people living in ASEAN countries go, “Wow, I want to go to Oita!”

応募方法 How to apply

(2)大分県公式インスタグラムアカウント(「めじろん【大分県公式】@mejiron)をフォローし、ハッシュタグ(#おおいたASEANフォトコンor #oitaasean)を付ける。

(1)Take a photo that shows off Oita Prefecture.
(2)Follow the official Oita Prefecture Instagram account ("Mejiron" [Oita Prefecture official] @mejiron) and add the hashtag (#oitaasean).
(3)Post the photo with a caption explaining what’s so great about the place where it was taken.
・We recommend attaching various tags in addition to the above to make photos easier to search for (#oita, #onsen, #beppu, etc.).
・Posts in all languages are welcome.

応募要件 Requirements


・Instagram account must have privacy set to “public.”
・All photos submitted must be taken in Oita Prefecture.
・If the subject of the photo includes a person, that person's permission is required to submit the photo.
・The photo must not have won a prize in any other photo contest.
・Participants must be able to message using Instagram.

その他 Other information

・入賞作品の使用権は主催者に帰属するものとし、応募者の承諾を個別に得ることなく、協議会・大分県・別府市の公式 SNS やホームページ等に無償で使用できるものとします。また、使用の際、紙面等の都合により加工を施す場合があります。

・Entries may be submitted even if they were taken before the entry period (so long as they were taken within the past 2 years).
・Multiple entries are acceptable, but only one entry per person can win an award.
・Doctored photos and collages will not be considered for entry. However, cropping and slight color correction are acceptable.
・The Oita-ASEAN Exchange Promotion Council will not be held responsible for the content of any entry via Instagram or any other social media, nor for any issues that may occur due to said content.
・The rights to use the winning entries shall belong to the sponsor, and they may be used free of charge on the official social media and websites of the Council, Oita Prefecture, Beppu City, etc. without the individual consent of the entrant. Photos may be modified for reasons of space or otherwise at time of use.

注意事項 Precautions

・Instagram の利用規約・法令に違反するもの

(1)When taking photographs for entry, participants must take care not to infringe on the right of publicity, copyrights, or other rights of third parties. In the event of a dispute with a third party, the entrant shall be responsible for resolving the dispute at his/her own expense.
(2)Submitted photos must be taken by the participant himself/herself.
(3)Entries that meet any of the following conditions are prohibited. If the Council determines that any of the following items apply to an entry, the entry will be disqualified from judging.
・Entries that infringe on the copyrights, right of publicity, or other rights of third parties
・Entries that have been used in other printed materials, exhibitions, etc.
・Entries that are morally object or go against the public order
・Entries taken in areas forbidden to entry or where photography is not permitted
・Entries that are advertisements, or solicit for the purpose of profit
・Entries that defame or invade the privacy of individuals, companies, or organizations
・Entries that impersonate other individuals, companies, organizations, etc.
・Entries that hinder the proper operation of this contest
・Entries that violate Instagram's terms of use or any laws and regulations
・Any other entries that the Council deems inappropriate
(4)It will be deemed that entries with hashtags as defined in "How to apply" have agreed to these terms and conditions.

表彰及び賞品 Awards and Prizes


・Grand Prize (1 winner): Pair room voucher for a luxury ryokan in Beppu City (equivalent to 100,000 yen)
・Outstanding Performance Prize (2 winners): Pair room voucher for a luxury ryokan in Beppu City (equivalent to 50,000 yen)
・International Student Prize (8winners): Assortment of Beppu City specialties

審査方法 Judging Method


After receiving opinions from international students in Oita Prefecture, a panel of judges consisting of members of the Oita-ASEAN Exchange Promotion Council will deliberate and select the winners.

結果発表 Announcement of results


The final results and winning entries will be announced on the Oita Prefecture website around or after mid-February 2024. Winners will be notified individually via direct message on Instagram.(If no reply is received within 5 days, the award will be revoked.)

問い合わせ先 Inquiries

おおいたASEAN交流協議会 事務局 (大分県 企画振興部 国際政策課)

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